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Really great subject :) Very interesting and challenging and Amanda is a fantastic lecturer!

7 years ago


I killed a few trees for the final exam but overall an interesting subject. Revise the whole way and...

7 years ago


The marking criteria need to be more clearly defined, I would ask your tutor specifically what they...

7 years ago


Assignment is something to start early and do bit by bit the whole way, it really helps down the tra...

7 years ago


Not much point in reviewing now that they've cancelled this subject... either way the whole thing wa...

7 years ago


not taught well

7 years ago


Neuroscience is a very challenging subject. It involves a lot of critical thinking and analysis rega...

7 years ago


Interesting subjects and quite challenging to students without statistics basic knowledge. The final...

7 years ago


I found that this subject is pretty difficult for students not majoring in maths & statistics like m...

7 years ago


Alot of theory but ultimately it prepares you for the other Year 2 and 3 units in Business, particul...

7 years ago


Perhaps one of my favourite subjects. I loved the assessments and the interesting content.

7 years ago


EDB170 is the first prac class for secondary education students. This subject (like the name) focuse...

7 years ago


CRB215 is a minor science curriculum class which focuses on how to teach general science. I found th...

7 years ago


SEB104 is a super easy subject as there are a lot of group work assessment pieces. As well as that t...

7 years ago


I loved this subject. You learn about all the different aspects of life that can affect a child goin...

7 years ago


In LCB002 you learn about how children develop, from babies to adolescents. This subject is quite in...

7 years ago


In my opinion MXB106 is an extension of MXB100 or Maths C in high school. You learn about matrices,...

7 years ago


MXB100 is an extension of high school Maths C. For those who have done it, you should find it easy....

7 years ago


Perfectly presented subject. Put your head down and there's no reason why you can't get 100%

7 years ago


Most of my friends, and me, found that this subject is pretty easy & getting well in all areas. The...

7 years ago


The examination case study is a bit similar to weekly lecture notes, and there's one argument questi...

7 years ago


The exam is mostly about theories & little of practices for marketing metrics. It is recommended for...

7 years ago


Highly rated unit - the lecturer is very helpful and explaining things in easy to understand

7 years ago


for me this subject is easy, what u really need to know is the concept if u know the concept it is r...

7 years ago

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