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  • 188 QUT Health tutors
  • 419 QUT Health ratings and reviews

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I really loved this class. the lecturer was amazing, she kept all of us engaged and was very approac...

8 years ago


The textbook is actually quite an interesting read and the skills learnt can be applied to many area...

8 years ago


Everything was set out clearly and logically, with the professor setting out the work needed to pass...

8 years ago


I was a fourth year doing a first year elective, so a lot of the content was a repeat of what I've a...

8 years ago


Phillipe is a great lecturer who attempts to make a dry subject interesting. This subject simply sho...

8 years ago


Very heavily content based. The lecturers struggle to get through everything they have to in time. I...

8 years ago


Great content, staff, assessment, tutorials - great subject. Jane is a great tutor and Susan is a fa...

8 years ago


Great content. Great staff, Phillipe is an exceptionally engaging lecturer, even though he only had...

8 years ago


Didn't learn a hell of a lot, but what I did learn was interesting. Textbook was free online which i...

8 years ago


Stats can be an absolute drag, but the facilities and staff were incredibly helpful and walked every...

8 years ago


Lectures irrelevant to required learning outcomes. More information needed on the practical componen...

8 years ago

LSB 282

Lecturer is great! Keeps the content interesting and not dry. Well done

8 years ago


Very imformative! Learnt a lot. Great structure to lectures

8 years ago


Very dry ambiguous subject. Assessment items had no relevance or direction. No assistance from tutor...

8 years ago


Entry-level Physics course. Lots of topics but does not go into too much detail at all. Learning how...

8 years ago


Highly informative subject. You will gain a lot of knowledge upon completing this unit. With hard...

8 years ago


Good for learning vital techniques for counselling clients in a psychology setting. Hint* you cannot...

9 years ago


Excellent subject that covers all your basic Psych theories and founders. Definitely one of my favou...

9 years ago


Hi, can u please contact me !!!! faisal.ghairat@hotmail.se

9 years ago


Tutes were pretty boring

9 years ago


I loved this subject and it is by far my most favorite subject that I have done throughout my degree...

9 years ago

LSB 282

If you're worried about this course, then I suggest you go out and purchase 'Statistics II' and 'Sta...

9 years ago


An awesome subject that is vital to the continual development of a paramedic. It covers everything f...

10 years ago


Surprisingly a good subject to take whilst on placement. Maike was my lecturer and she was every und...

10 years ago

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