
Extensive but concise tax law notes including information taken from seminars, authoritative cases and prescribed readings. They contain relevant theoretical content, supported by important case summaries and examples. I used subheadings and colour-coding to divide the material in a clear and understandable way. These notes cover all topics (1-12): 1. Introduction 2. Overview: Australian Taxation System 3. Tax Formula, Rates, Offsets & PAYG; Residence and Source 4. Characteristics of Ordinary Income; Income from Personal Exertion 5. Income from Business and Compensation Receipts; Income from Property 6. Capital Gains Tax 7. Fringe Benefits Tax; Deductions 1 8. Deductions 2 9. Tax Accounting; Trading Stocks and SBEs 10. Business Entities, Sole Traders and Partnerships 11. Companies and Shareholders; Trusts 12. GST; Tax Administration, Planning and Anti-Avoidance


Spring session, 2022

52 pages

22,907 words



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