LAWS3432_5132_Family Law_Distinction Class Notes + Final Scaffold
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5132
This is a perfect class notes for family law. I spent over 4 months to sort it out and my experience working as a paralegal in a family law firm also helped a lot. This note has (1) detailed case summary; (2) step-by-step final scaffold; (3) mindmap and flowchat for difficult take-aways. It has the following chapters: 1. History and reform 2. What is family 3. Constitutional context 4. Family relationships 5. Family violence 6. Dispute resolution 7. Parenting disputes 8. Property disputes 9. Private ordering
Semester 1, 2022
145 pages
49,784 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2021