LAWS5015_Equity_Class Notes_Distinction
Subject notes for USYD LAWS5015
This note is organised in a logical way and is especially helpful to answer the problem questions. Key cases are highlighted and their facts are also provided in this note. It helps me get Distinction in Equity. It includes the following: 1. History and Nature of Equity Introduction Judicature Act and Fusion Fallacy Maximum of Equity 2. Conscience of Equity: Breach of confidence Estoppel 3. Remedial Equity Specific Performance Injunction Damages under Lord Cairn’s Act 4. Trust Nature and Constitution of Trust Beneficiary Principle Express Trust Fiduciary Obligation Resulting Trust Constructive Trust 5. Tracing Mixtures 6. Charity Charitable heads Public benefit Schemes ......
Semester 2, 2021
48 pages
29,540 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
November 2021