• 3,514 Newcastle subjects
  • 584 Newcastle subject ratings

The latest activity on StudentVIP Subjects at The Uni. of Newcastle...


This subject is so easy! Keep up with the work and contribute to your group and you can easily pass...

8 years ago


I found this subject tedious. The lecturer was great but no one finished the final exam as it took u...

8 years ago


The lecturer Dr Savage is great! He is funny and I feel sorry for anyone who comes in late or leaves...

8 years ago


Marcus is amazing at what he does! His teaching method is great and he really does put in the time a...

8 years ago


This subject really builds on CHEM1010 so it's important to have that solid base to go from. It's a...

8 years ago


Really interesting course. If you haven't completed any HSC science, it's a great subject that just...

8 years ago


There's a lot to learn - but it all revolves basic principles. Get good at identifying variable type...

8 years ago


It's dense, hard-core theory, but don't let that scare you away! this is the nuts and bolts about ho...

8 years ago


Great class. Haven't looked at society the same since.

8 years ago


The course is well organised and relatively easy to follow. Every effort is made from the lecturer a...

8 years ago


I really did not like this course at all, the lecturer that was on Monday was terrible, if I just wa...

8 years ago


I found the course a good but hard course in some aspects. I enjoyed both the lecturers, but enjoyed...

8 years ago


The dynamics half of the course was particularly interesting but also challenging. Overall this subj...

8 years ago


The final exam is a memory test. Make good notes and learn them.

8 years ago


Really well taught, and labs were interesting.

8 years ago


Flipped classroom mode is horrible without enough time to take in content, practice and then come ba...

8 years ago


Great subject, my favourite so far. I went to PASS sessions and they helped loads in regards to stud...

8 years ago


Fairly well taught and easy enough to get a good grade if you practice enough questions.

8 years ago


It may be my personal learning style, but I found the content taught in a very confusing way by Bish...

8 years ago


Make sure you go to every lecture for the computations part, as the notes are not elsewhere. Make su...

8 years ago


Interesting content

8 years ago


Really interesting course. Fair bit of content so try to stay up to date!

8 years ago


Quite unstructured in terms of classes. Content can become a bit repetitive but is straight forward...

8 years ago


Very interesting content

8 years ago

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