• 3,514 Newcastle subjects
  • 584 Newcastle subject ratings

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Very fast paced and difficult for anyone who is new to the language. Requires VERY intense study an...

8 years ago


Very enjoyable. My tutor was very lovely and they give you the exam question before so you have time...

8 years ago


Worst subject I have ever done, the tutor ben clearly did not eant to be there and marked harshly be...

8 years ago


Very easy subject, make sure you do all of your weekly tasks plus contribute to your group work and...

8 years ago


Make sure you understand each lecture. The exam is open book, but it is currently the hardest exam I...

8 years ago


This is an interesting course. Read though the modules and do every tutorial question and you can ea...

8 years ago


Great course, mostly not too content heavy and the main lecturer is great and makes really enjoyable...

8 years ago


Very content heavy, but it does have it's moments where it helps you understand life just a little b...

8 years ago


This course wasn't what I was expecting - and I'm glad. Brooke is an amazing lecturer, extremely hel...

8 years ago


I completed this course as an online student and found it to be really interesting. The weekly lectu...

8 years ago


The content of the course was interesting and the assignments weren't too complex and easy to unders...

8 years ago


Pretty interesting course, makes you think in a different way. Going to lectures really helps instea...

8 years ago


Great subject however exercise sheets would be beneficial for online students

8 years ago


The fact that some of the exercises are better in a book not on the prescribed reading is a bit frus...

8 years ago


I did ACFI1001 with Marcus Rodrigs, he is the best lecturer I've had in 3 years at uni. He made the...

8 years ago


Lectures are very distracting and disjointed. Need to ensure that each week relates to work in tutor...

8 years ago


Thoroughly engaging. Lecturers are fantastic and the work is definitely thought provoking.

8 years ago


Helpful in learning the basics for uni such as essay writing, presentations etc.

8 years ago


This is a great course for those who are interested in learning more about the identities behind the...

8 years ago


If you're curious to learn more about the ancient Spartans in any way, then look no further! This co...

8 years ago


This is a great course for those interested in the social aspects, and architecture of ancient Rome....

8 years ago


This is a great course for those interested in Medieval and early modern Europe. This course will ta...

8 years ago


A great introductory course for those interested in ancient history. I will add though, that while g...

8 years ago


I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the MATH110 course. An interesting lecturer teaching interesting...

8 years ago

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