- Murdoch Uni.
- Subjects
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Just a little advanced from CHE140, this unit provides you with further concepts, technique and skil...
9 years ago
Essential core unit for science units, it provides a basic fundamentals in chemistry, chemical conce...
9 years ago
A fast-paced unit but provides a comprehensive overview of basic chemistry.
10 years ago
Very interesting but hard work so start the assignments and readings early!
10 years ago
if you do the readings every week you will have no problem with this subject
10 years ago
Very basic, for someone who has ever used a camera or done media before. DO it if you want 3 easy cr...
10 years ago
For many psychology students, even the ones who did the subject in high school first, this unit is t...
10 years ago
Carol Warren is very passionate about anthropology. If you are a visual learner, her ability to crea...
10 years ago
SSH100 is a very challenging unit, both in terms of the work required in understanding and fulfillin...
10 years ago
Sandra Wilson is always a great Unit Coordinator to have. She is strict and may seem scary at first,...
10 years ago
This was a primary school unit with a primary school text book with primary school lectures using pr...
10 years ago
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