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Authors: Robert Darlington, John Hospodaryk
1 week agoAuthors: Catherine Smith, Mark Barnes, Lyn Elms (Maths writer), Douglas Kerr Scott, Lee Roland, Robert Rowland
1 week agoAuthors: John P. J. Pinel, Steven J. Barnes
1 week agoAuthors: Lilienfeld
1 week agoAuthors: E. Bruce Goldstein, James R. Brockmole
1 week agoAuthors: Gravetter, Frederick J.
1 week agoAuthors: Merrilyn Goos, Gloria Stillman, Colleen Vale, Sandra Herbert, Vince Geiger
1 week agoAuthors: McInerney, Dennis M
1 week agoAuthors: Elaine Nicpon Marieb
1 week agoAuthors: Paterson J. and others
1 week agoAuthors: Fiona Hum, Ottavio Quirico, Gregor Urbas
1 week agoAuthors: Michael Bryan, Simone Degeling, Scott Donald, Vicki Vann
1 week agoMonash textbooks by subject area: