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Authors: Christopher F. Symes, John Charles Duns
3 days agoAuthors: Michael Bryan
6 days agoAuthors: David (Ed) & Finkelstein Hamer (Ray (Ed)), Ray Finkelstein, David Hamer
6 days agoAuthors: Justin Malbon, Luke Nottage
6 days agoAuthors: Mark J. Rankin, David Bamford
6 days agoAuthors: Fiona Hum, Bronwen Jackman, Ottavio Quirico, Gregor Urbas, Kip Werren
6 days agoAuthors: John Anderson et al
6 days agoAuthors: Benjamin J. Sadock, Harold I. Kaplan, Virginia A. Sadock
6 days agoAuthors: Glen O. Gabbard
6 days agoAuthors: John Neter, Michael H. Kutner, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, William Wasserman
6 days agoAuthors: George Stein, Greg Wilkinson
6 days agoAuthors: Elaine Nicpon Marieb, Jon Mallatt, Patricia Brady Wilhelm
1 week agoAuthors: Elaine N. Marieb, Katja N. Hoehn
1 week agoAuthors: Catherine Smith, Kylie Boucher, Mark Barnes, Lyn Elms (Maths writer), Douglas Scott
1 week agoAuthors: J. Mraz
1 week agoAuthors: Judy Mraz, Anne Dempster, Cathy Bedson, Kathryn Gibson, Niranjan Casinader, Terry McMeekin, Jeana Kriewaldt, Cleo Westhorpe, Alex Rossimel
1 week agoAuthors: Catherine Smith, James Smart, Geetha James, Caitlin Mahony, Beverly Langsford Willing, Michael Sheedy, Kahni Burrows, Paul Menta
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