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Super great follow up to ATS1325. It was fantastic to be able to apply the topics that we learned in...

3 years ago


One of my favourite subjects to this day! Super informative, my tutor was an absolute legend, and wh...

3 years ago


Daniel Schmidt's teaching and accompanying lecture notes make this unit a 5-starer. Great head-first...

3 years ago


Probably the best introduction to programming/algorithms you can get with zero background knowledge...

3 years ago


My psychiatrist took my off my sleeping meds because listening to this unit's content before bed put...

3 years ago


One of the worst units I ever did. Lakmal was quite strict and he made the unit more complicated tha...

3 years ago


Tutorials are great and very interesting. Make sure you don't miss any of them as they help strength...

3 years ago


Surprisingly easy for a law unit, the content is very structured, which makes answering assignment a...

3 years ago


I enjoyed the content however, tutorials could be rather dry. Yet I do think this depended greatly o...

3 years ago


I enjoyed this unit and assignments and content is fairly basic. However, the content can be a littl...

3 years ago


Overall a passable unit when given the dedication it needs. Assignments can be confusing but if time...

3 years ago


i'm not at all interested in earth science and only did this unit to fulfil a prerequisite BUT this...

3 years ago


marking for assignments was super subjective and completely depended on your tutor, making it hard t...

3 years ago


marking for assignments was super subjective and completely depended on your tutor, making it hard t...

3 years ago


pretty good unit! interesting content. didn't need to do the readings to do well.

3 years ago


i loved this unit. the weekly quizzes on lecture content were super helpful for staying on track and...

3 years ago


It can be a fun subject but definitely need to be prepared to do some extra research outside of the...

3 years ago


Not sure if this is just because of COVID but the chemical engineering part of the course was really...

3 years ago


If you've done general maths 3/4 and methods and/or specialist then the content is super repedative....

3 years ago


** If you have little to no experience coding I highly recommend taking a course on JavaScript from...

3 years ago


Personally, I found the unit really easy but found out that many of my peers found it quite challeng...

3 years ago


Such a fun and easy subject

3 years ago


A little content heavy but if you stay on top of the content, summarise each week etc getting a good...

3 years ago


Extremely content heavy and I found the quizzes to be a little unreasonable with how much time we we...

3 years ago

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