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Xu laoshi's teaching style is stricter than previous teachers, and it's expected that you do a lot o...

7 years ago


Lots of group work, so you get to work on STAT together (good if it's not your forte). Heavily maths...

7 years ago


Lectures and tutorials were pretty boring but assessments, marking and content were all interesting...

7 years ago


very easy unit to pass

7 years ago


easy to pass as long as you follow the lectures , tutorials and labs. Very important to score well i...

7 years ago


Lecture are not that intersting. But workshops is a must attend if you want to pass this unit

7 years ago


well organised unit but have to keep in touch with unit content always. End of module exams and week...

7 years ago


very easy unit to pass

7 years ago


The content itself is fine, however the unit is so poorly taught and organised, assessment guideline...

7 years ago


Such a disorganised unit, and the fact the content was really hard and there were high expectations...

7 years ago


Very different to the other marketing subjects, which what makes it more interesting! As long as you...

7 years ago


Easy entry level subject to do, especially if you need to do a people unit. Content a bit boring/rep...

7 years ago


Too much content/too many texts to study in such a small period of time.

7 years ago


Topics were interesting at times, practicals were interesting. Needed to rote learn for the exams

7 years ago


Found it difficult to keep up with lectures as there was so much content, but attending PAL sessions...

7 years ago


Reasonably easy unit, basic knowledge of maths is necessary. Second half of the unit was easier than...

7 years ago


Easy but uninteresting unit. Lectures weren't necessarily important as the unit was practical based,...

7 years ago


It was a pretty interesting unit but really content heavy so I needed to rote learn most of the cont...

7 years ago


Too theoretical. Sounded great at the start and went downhill quickly.

7 years ago


The biopsychology element of this unit can be quite challenging, but it was super interesting as wel...

7 years ago


This is quite an interesting unit, although tutorials leave something to be desired..

7 years ago


At first this unit seems hard, however if you go to every lecture/tutorial and PAL the content becom...

7 years ago


Not to best unit, the labs are kind of dry and elementary. Easy to do well in if you keep on top of...

7 years ago


Went into this unit hating it, but ended up really enjoying it. If you print out the lecture slides...

7 years ago

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