Australian Politics in Global Context
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Very good for a basic grasp of Australian political structures and interesting for the most part.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Pretty interesting unit, not the best delivery for external. And of content to get through!!!!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
This was my last subject and far and away, the worst subject I completed during my degree. The initial convener was politically biased, however the guy that took over following the mid-semester break was an outright communist. Used the lectures to incite hate against conservative politicians and capitalism in general. He pressured students to join socialist groups and blatantly encouraged revolutions. Was an absolute disgrace!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Shamelessly biased. Lecturer especially prefers forcing his political ideology rather than teaching empirical information. Take this subject if you want to waste thirteen weeks of your life and a few k.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
The convener and lecturer were really nice. Taught really well and the topics were really engaging. The assessments were structured well and made you engage. The work was not too overwhelming.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Very relaxed. Lecturer is definitely left leaning but is very good at balancing. In-lecture quizzes on the previous week's lecture make it easy to get a lot of marks and one major essay. Lots of content but overall an easy subject.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
You will probably have to be very very very interested in this subject as it can at times be boring, a lot of history and discussions about people in power past and present. Dry subject, is easy to pass in and final exam is practically handed to you. (external exam is the same as internal - thus being handed to you and made easily available through ilearn)