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I dropped biology in high school, yet somehow biopsychology has become one of my favourite psycholog...

5 years ago


A unit that has a lot of information to learn but ultimately is a good introduction to the topic of...

5 years ago


Super engaging content each week. Loved doing the discussion posts as it really aided in understandi...

5 years ago


An absolute WASTE OF MY TIME!!! The 2 hour allotted lecture time is just an overkill. If you read ov...

5 years ago


What an honour to be studying under Naguib Kanawati! He is so knowledgeable and will go over grammar...

5 years ago


This unit is super easy, just takes notes on the PowerPoint slides and read the book. Try get as hig...

5 years ago


EFLA100 helps with writing skills, includes an introduction to Australia and you can meet friendly p...

5 years ago


Absolutely loved this unit! Worked hard and got a HD. Just make sure you go for the lectures and do...

5 years ago


Paul was one of the best lecturers I’ve had at mq uni. Econ131 is an extremely easy unit that teache...

5 years ago


Most difficult economics unit and I don’t think it needs to be. The lecturer Chris is good but he te...

5 years ago


Econ311 is just a continuation of 2nd year macro. Nothing too difficult. Lance was a really good lec...

5 years ago


Kenny and Kenneth took over lecture and practical duties this semester, which I guess is a great thi...

5 years ago


Very intense and stressful unit. It’s a shame that Mq places so much importance on literacy and nume...

5 years ago


Hardest unit. Many people failed. Had to work extremely hard to even pass. Concepts are confusing an...

5 years ago


Had the worst tutor for maths who was not competent or organised. The whole unit is a disjointed mes...

5 years ago


Did this unit as a summer (session 3) unit. It was fast paced but highly enjoyable and relevant to m...

5 years ago


good subject

5 years ago


Loved this unit. Just have to make sure you keep up with lectures and tutorials each week; especiall...

5 years ago


my major is accounting so this might be a little bias but i absolutely love accounting especially fi...

5 years ago


it was a hard unit but if you stay on top of everything, it just flows with you. the exam wasn't too...

5 years ago


really boring and the convenor was not at all helpful

5 years ago


The content is very relevant and interesting. I really enjoyed learning some of the psychological/be...

5 years ago


okay. Acing the quizzes will go a long long long way for this subject so i would recommend attemptin...

5 years ago


acing the major essay and quizzes are your ticket to success!! the final exam is good if you have do...

5 years ago

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