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In essence, the content of this subject is not difficult - it is the quantity of theories/concepts t...

5 years ago


Most if not all assessable content is taught in lectures. Relatively simple concepts. 1000 page text...

5 years ago


Simple concepts, taught entirely during lecturers. Beware: content increases in difficulty about hal...

5 years ago


The content for this subject was very interesting; however, there were a lot of assignments that had...

5 years ago


Although it was easy, there was quite of lot of concepts/models to memorise for the final exam. I di...

5 years ago


I never did economics in school, so at first it was challenging to understand some of the contents....

5 years ago


This is a great people unit and focused a lot on hypothetical situations/practical skills. I found i...

5 years ago


The content in this subject is quite easy to comprehend; however, there is a lot of content in the 1...

5 years ago


Initially, I thought that as I was not interested in international law and because the first week fo...

5 years ago


The content of the subject is quite easy if you attend all of the lectures, tutorials and practicals...

5 years ago


I absolutely loved contracts! The lecturer/tutor was very engaging and explained everything in an ea...

5 years ago


Overall, it was an interesting subject. It is important to keep up with the content as each week bui...

5 years ago


I enjoyed this unit much more than I expected. Fyi I have quite a good background in maths so if it'...

5 years ago


Well I have a lot to say about this unit. I took it because of the positive feedbacks and the conten...

5 years ago


Very boring and dull unit. It does not go into any critical or rigorous study and content, in relati...

5 years ago


Having not looked at Egypt since High school i found this subject hard to follow at times. Unfortuna...

5 years ago


Tried to do this subject but it's so hard to grasp what information is important i.e. applicable to...

5 years ago


If this subject is not compulsory for your degree I don't recommend you doing it. Assessments were m...

5 years ago


John Alroy is an amazing lecturer, an extremely funny guy, and very helpful. I had a blast doing thi...

5 years ago


Richard Carter White is an excellent lecturer that has a gift of making somewhat "boring" topics fun...

5 years ago


This subject is absolutely amazing and totally recommend this subject for anyone doing a science deg...

5 years ago


I chose this subject as an elective which was totally out of my degree path, and at first was quite...

5 years ago


This unit is very dense and requires a lot of work. Financial Risk Management focuses on the models...

5 years ago


It's initially one of the hardest first year units you can take. It does get easier later, but be pr...

5 years ago

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