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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at Macquarie...
There is a mixture of theory and practical - do homework every week to maximise easy marks.
8 years ago
The hardest practical accounting unit - Everything flows on from the week before so do the homework...
8 years ago
My tutor wasn't great - make sure you have the small quiliter textbook, it will really help for the...
8 years ago
super dry subject but really important for future marketing subjects as you learn the basics that al...
8 years ago
This subject is super dry unless you're passionate about finance. The concepts are easy to get your...
8 years ago
This subject was excruciating. If you don't have a passion in accounting or understand the basics of...
8 years ago
Pretty dull subject but the lecturer is super passionate about it so that helps a little. Her enthus...
8 years ago
Pretty straight forward if you have ever worked. Pretty easy to get good marks if you try.
8 years ago
This subject is a little dull but still interesting. It's important to keep up to date with each top...
8 years ago
I found this subject super hard. The content was super difficult and they expected you to be an expe...
8 years ago
The unit convenor and lecturer for this subject makes this subject makes the content really easy to...
8 years ago
keeping up to date is essential for this subject. Once you've got your head around the concepts it i...
8 years ago
The weekly homework is a great help for keeping on track. The essay and exam are marked quite harshl...
8 years ago
So far its quite bad. No engagement in tutorials and the lectures are rambling. Not enjoying this su...
8 years ago
This class is more difficult than it appears. The final exam will thoroughly examine your understand...
8 years ago
This class is relatively easy as every topic is individualized each week and don't relate to each ot...
8 years ago
I really enjoyed this class, however you need to stay on top of the studies because there are alot o...
8 years ago
This class is pretty straightforward and simple. The quiz questions were very similar to the calcula...
8 years ago
The difficulty of this unit varies depending on who you get for your unit convenor. Unfortunately, I...
8 years ago
Easy unit to pass
8 years ago
The worst subject I've ever done, the unit is disorganised and just terrible, I'm not one normally t...
8 years ago
Content heavy, and you can't study for the whole course at the last min. If you start to fall behind...
8 years ago
boring, poorly taught.
the pracs were good fun and easy if you have a good understanding of excel....
8 years ago
very easy and easy to pass
8 years ago
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