Consumer Behaviour
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Leon G Schiffman, Aron O'Cass, Angela Paladino, Jamie Carlson
For sale by Amelia for $100
Consumer Behaviour
Leon G Schiffman, Aron O'Cass, Angela Paladino, Jamie Carlson
For sale by Yingying for $70
View all MKTG1003 notesMKTG1003 Notes
- A detailed notes document of all the topics from Week 1 to Week 12 (No new content for Week 13) -...
50 pages, 12906 words
HD Consumer Behaviour Final Notes
HD comprehensive and super detailed notes include all lecture, tutorial and textbook chapter materia...
38 pages, 9954 words
- Selling my detailed, thorough and comprehensive notes for MKTG1003 in which I achieved a HD. - In...
99 pages, 21971 words
These notes cover every weeks content and include: Values that drive purchases Sustainability O...
30 pages, 7064 words
MKTG303 Consumer Behaviour Textbook & Lecture Summaries - Textbook Replacement
I completed Consumer Behaviour in 2018 and received a HD grade due to study of these notes that I ma...
44 pages, 13547 words
Notes that have all the required information you need from Lecture 1-12 including the relevant infor...
33 pages, 4489 words
Extensive (and pretty) MKTG203 notes made with lecture and tutorial notes and information from previ...
17 pages, 12375 words
Consumer Behaviour Notes - HD, lecture + textbook
Received an HD in Consumer Behaviour. These notes are concisely detailed with bullet notes and c...
66 pages, 18497 words
Become a tutor for MKTG1003Edward
$48 per hour
Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
$15 per hour
I am a tutor with a wide variety of experience, though I specialize in Business and Statistics. I ha...
$90 per hour
$20 per hour
!! Here to help you ace your exams and assessments, while helping you understand the whole content !...
$39 per hour
Hello! I am El, a recent UWA graduate with a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing. I offer online tutor...
$15 per hour
Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...
$20 per hour
Expert in assessment planning, proofreading, and exam review! I am a graduate of USYD where I ear...
Marks are harsh, my tutor was unhelpful (unfortunate because she is also a tutor for other MKTG subjects). Lecturer is amazing! Very knowledgeable and pleasant. You will need to memorise concepts/theories for the exam! Small written responses are marked harshly and are a bit confusing as they require references but will have very subjective focus / a tiny word limit. Essay writing has never been my forte so I did not excel in this subject, however if you put in the effort you can pass quite easily.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
This subject was marked very harshly and unfortunately group assignments make up a large chunk of your final grade. Make sure to get a good group for this subject or you may struggle. Final exam may be a bit challenging but just make sure you study.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The content is not only interesting but truly relevant. However, the delivery was terrible, lectures were not conducted in the most exciting manner and Pardis can truly do a better job in being a tutor, she is an extremely tough marker and does not excel in imparting knowledge.. Avoid her tutorial if possible.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The weekly homework is a great help for keeping on track. The essay and exam are marked quite harshly so the weekly tasks were a great way to revise each topic as you go.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Essay was marked quite harsh, but was an overall good unit
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
They mark the essay quite hard so start early, do your weekly homework assignments (these are easy marks)!! Participation marks require more than just rising your hand and saying one quick answer, so try to put in effort if you want high participation marks (10%)!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Keep up to date with lecture material and homework each week. It will enable you to gain easy marks through participation in tutorials and relatively straightforward homework tasks. When it comes it the final, you would have learnt all the content!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
Get into a good group for the 3 reports, and do all the homework submissions (helps a lot with remembering content). Textbook is a must, slides seem to be missing a fair bit.