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Authors: Pearson, Mark
1 week agoAuthors: Ahern, Steve
1 week agoAuthors: John S. Dacey, John Travers, Lisa B. Fiore
1 week agoAuthors: Pearson, Mark;Polden, Mark
1 week agoAuthors: Germov, John; Poole, Marilyn
1 week agoAuthors: Kim Langfield-Smith, David Smith, Paul Andon, Ronald W. Hilton, Helen Thorne
1 week agoAuthors: Jack Maxwell Wood, Retha Wiesner, Rachel Morrison, Rachid Zeffane, Michele Fromholtz, Aharon Factor, Tui McKeown, John R. Schermerhorn (Jr.), James G. Hunt, Richard Osborn
1 week agoAuthors: Donald F. Kuratko
1 week agoAuthors: Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes, Tim Crowe, Adam Walsh
1 week agoAuthors: Frederic H. Martini, Edwin F. Bartholomew, Judi Judi Lindsley Nath
1 week agoAuthors: John E. McMurry
1 week agoAuthors: Allan Blackman, Steven E. Bottle, Siegbert Schmid, Mauro Mocerino, Uta Wille
1 week agoLaTrobe textbooks by subject area: