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- 451 Science textbooks at LaTrobe
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The latest second hand science textbooks listed at LaTrobe:
Authors: Dr. E. Bruce Goldstein
1 week agoAuthors: John E. McMurry
1 week agoAuthors: Allan Blackman, Steven E. Bottle, Siegbert Schmid, Mauro Mocerino, Uta Wille
1 week agoAuthors: Charles S. Carver, Michael F. Scheier
1 month agoAuthors: Penner, Louis A.
1 month agoAuthors: Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian Max Moller, Angus S. Murphy
2 months agoAuthors: Jill Dorrian, Einar Thorsteinsson, Mirella Di Benedetto, Katrina Lane-Krebs, Melissa Day, Amanda Hutchinson, Kerry Sherman
4 months agoAuthors: David S. Moore, William I Notz, Michael Fligner
4 months agoAuthors: Scott Freeman, Jon C. Herron, Jason Hodin
6 months agoAuthors: Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson
6 months agoAuthors: Dr. E. Bruce Goldstein
8 months agoAuthors: Lisa A. Urry, Philippa Howden-Chapman, Lisa Early, Steven Alexander Wasserman, Jenny Ombler, Michael Lee Cain, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Peter V. Minorsky, Noel Meyers
10 months agoAuthors: Arthur Aron, Elliot J. Coups, Elaine Aron
10 months agoAuthors: Jeffrey K. Conner, Daniel L. Hartl
11 months agoAuthors: Dr. E. Bruce Goldstein
1 year agoAuthors: Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, Laura Namy, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Virginia Slaughter
1 year agoLaTrobe textbooks by subject area: