• 2,019 JCU subjects
  • 120 JCU subject ratings

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This subject is very full on! So much difficult content to cover. Helen and Sue are lovely though an...

10 years ago


This subject is crazy. The lectures are the biggest waste of an hour, and the tutorials are painful....

10 years ago


This course covers maths from all of your schooling years right up to about year 10 maths B. I was f...

10 years ago


I loved this class. The content wasn't challenging - just a lot to remember. It was essentially just...

10 years ago


This subject was abstract. It was fun and my lecturer was the best I've had! Since I found the work...

10 years ago


This subject was challenging, but fun at the same time! My lecturer was really nice and it was worth...

10 years ago


HARD CLASS Went from easy to super hard in a blick of an eye. Has a HIGH fail rate. Found both the...

10 years ago


Meh class. HATED the lecture spent most of my time trying to understand him then learning. Resulting...

10 years ago


Easy class and assignment has a lot in same with BU1105 lecture as good so had him as the my tutor...

10 years ago


Average class.... found it pointless but really easy... SUPER nice lecturer/workshop teacher only ha...

10 years ago


Good Lecturer ... Hard class Turn up to ALL LECTURE AND TUTORIAL will really help you in passing

10 years ago


Only thing I got out of this class was the how to reference correctly. Everything else was common ba...

10 years ago


Fun music class with good easy assignments.. . Final exam was pointless and has question that hardly...

10 years ago


Wonderful Teacher. He does go through the work kinda fast however he really know what he is doing an...

10 years ago


Found this class so boring and the lectures so pointless and it was just easier to teach myself as s...

10 years ago


Good subject- the lecturer did all possible to ensure that the students understood, be it tutorial a...

10 years ago


While a potentially interesting subject, the delivery and teaching methods were questionable. The th...

10 years ago


Interesting content, although does seem quite repetitive at times. The assessment was reasonable, bu...

10 years ago


Class was beneficial- to an extent. Majority of the content was basic english taught in primary/high...

10 years ago


Interesting to learn about film editing. The assignments were good but it would have been great to e...

10 years ago


Really interesting to learn about different galleries and exhibitions. It feels like a relevant subj...

10 years ago


This subject has been one of my favourites. I have found it really interesting and has given me an i...

10 years ago


I found this subject to be interesting and informative regarding the human condition. My only proble...

10 years ago


I found this subject to be both challenging and rewarding. The teachers were excellent and committed...

10 years ago

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