- James Cook
- Subjects
- Science
- 112 JCU Science textbooks
- 7 JCU Science tutors
- 43 JCU Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at James Cook...
Interesting subject. Is a lottle confusing and hard to understand exactly what is going on. But a go...
3 years ago
The content is very in depth and in order to properly understand it you should not rely on the subje...
4 years ago
Completely random and unnecessary subject. Easy subject content.
7 years ago
Personally, I did not enjoy this subject as a whole. However, some aspects were interesting. In my o...
7 years ago
Completed this course in CNS. Overall, the subject was very rushed. I did not like the concept of a...
7 years ago
Completed this subject in TSV. Great lecturer, very funny and helpful. PASS sessions really helped m...
7 years ago
All of the lecturers are highly knowledgeable, but the organic chem guy is pretty rude and unpleasan...
7 years ago
Pretty badly organised, but really interesting. Unfortunately didn't have as much hands-on animal wo...
7 years ago
Ignore the reviews about the teacher being great. He left. The current lecturer is antagonistic, una...
8 years ago
Great teacher. Plenty of help and support during tutorials.
9 years ago
Absolutely loved this subject. Lots of pracs, lots of quizes to test knoqledge. Content incredibly i...
9 years ago
Subject was very interesting. Made you question everything. Really helped me with my scientific writ...
9 years ago
Wonderful Teacher. He does go through the work kinda fast however he really know what he is doing an...
10 years ago
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