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Authors: REBECCA & MORRISON DONATELLE (VAL & THOMPSON, JANICE ET AL.), Val Morrison, Janice Thompson, April Lynch, Jonathan Smith, Scott Lilienfeld, Lorna Moxham
1 week agoAuthors: Dan Meagher, Amelia Simpson, James Stellios, Fiona Wheeler
1 week agoAuthors: K & BAGARIC ARENSON (M.)
1 week agoAuthors: Billie Cunningham, Loren Nikolai-HCP, John Bazley, Marie Kavanagh, Sharelle Simmons
2 weeks agoAuthors: Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris
2 weeks agoAuthors: Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George
2 weeks agoAuthors: Barbara Kozier, Glenora Lea Erb, Audrey Berman, Shirlee Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Trudy Dwyer, Majella Hales
2 weeks agoAuthors: Joanne Tollefson
2 weeks agoAuthors: Elizabeth Watt, Helen Forbes
2 weeks agoAuthors: Elizabeth Ainsworth, Desleigh De Jonge
2 weeks agoAuthors: Anne Cronin, Mary Beth Mandich
2 weeks agoAuthors: Stagnitti, Karen
3 weeks agoAuthors: Stephen Odgers, Elisabeth Peden, Miiko Kumar
3 weeks agoAuthors: Judith Bannister, Anna Olijnyk
3 weeks agoAuthors: Belinda Fehlberg, Rae Kaspiew, Jenni Millbank, Fiona Kelly, Juliet Behrens
3 weeks agoAuthors: Francine Feld, Mirko Bagaric, Theo Alexander, Brad Johnson
3 weeks agoAuthors: Judith Bannister, Anna Olijnyk, Stephen McDonald
3 weeks agoAuthors: Stephen G. Corones, Philip H Clarke
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