Civil Procedure & Alternative Dispute Resolution
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View all MLL391 notesHD 2020 Comprehensive and Extensive - Civil Procedure and Dispute Resolution Notes (Summaries, Cases, Legislation, Diagrams and Templates)
Extremely detailed and comprehensive Civil Procedure and Alternative Dispute Resolutions notes that...
150 pages, 59757 words
MLL391 Civil Procedure Notes
Comprehensive notes for every topic in MLL391 Civil Procedure & Dispute Resolution. If the bookle...
154 pages, 71082 words
Distinction Civil Procedure Summary Notes
A 22 page easy-to-follow summary. 1-3 page summary of each topic. Includes the key legislation secti...
22 pages, 6799 words
Civil Procedure & Dispute Resolution - everything you need for a HD
This unit is one of the largest law units that you will complete at Deakin. It is made up of 14 topi...
122 pages, 61287 words
Civil Procedure Notes, Trimester 3 2017
Notes based on Trimester 3, 2017 study period, from Principles of Civil Procedure in Victoria, Bozzi...
143 pages, 85974 words
Highest Mark - 91 - Civil Procedure
Used by two students to obtain the subject award (91) and second-highest (89) mark in civil procedur...
58 pages, 20000 words
MLL391 Civil Procedure and Dispute Resolution EXAM NOTES
I used these notes in the exam for MLL217 and found them super helpful and fully relied on them! The...
84 pages, 46013 words
Civil Procedure Note
Covers all topics from week 1 - week 11 for Civil Procedure Law Deakin Burwood. TOPIC LIST: 1...
79 pages, 23142 words
Detailed civil procedure notes and steps on how to answer exam questions. Includes descriptions...
82 pages, 41707 words
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Interesting subject, must keep on top of the work though or else it gets hard!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Really disappointed Sam didn't teach over T3. No guidance for exam prep. Felt half of the exam questions were random- I spent 20 minutes flicking through all of my notes, text and lect slides for a question and couldn't figure it out. Shame I didn't enjoy it, especially when this unit is so valuable in practice
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Absolutely the worst unit I've ever studied at Uni. The new lecturer Anthony is rude, unhelpful and I'm unsure as to how he even got the job as lecturer in the first place. My tip for you: try to study this core unit when Sam is teaching it...
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
A great and interesting subject taught by a great veteran lecturer. A lot of reading is required, so grab the textbook as soon as possible.