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Practical Examination for HSE102

professional notes for the practical exam, I passed the exam from the first trying and got HD, there...

27 pages, 622 words

Anatomy Table

Notes for the Flag Race exam! For the practical exam this is the table of all the anatomical structu...

23 pages, 2059 words


Concise and neatly formatted notes from lectures, seminars, practicals and the prescribed textbook....

68 pages, 16282 words

HSE102: Functional Human Anatomy Notes

- Notes are based on the unit learning outcomes - Written and visual explanations - Contents page...

133 pages, 23202 words


$40 per hour

Hey, I'm Keenan and I'm currently studying my Masters of Applied Sport Science. I have previously...


$35 per hour

Want to be successful in your studies? I'm a Biomedical Science graduate with a high GPA, two Ac...


Loved understanding the Anatomy of human body. Lots of stuffs to remember and requires a bit of extra work than most other units but enjoyed it to the fullest :)

Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2019

You have to remember quite a bit here. Bone landmarks, what bones articulate with which other bones, muscle origin and insertions and their functions. Some tips 1. Before each seminar you do a quick test worth 5% called a pre seminar quiz. The questions on the quiz are identical to the pictures in the text book. So if you're being tested on "Elbow and forearm" go to that chapter in the book and memorise the labelled pictures. This was the situation in trimester 2 2017 and I was able to get 90-100% each quiz. 2. The prac reports in the prac classes are worth 5% each too. The demonstrator demonstrates a movement eg. "putting a box on a shelf" and you have to write down what muscles are working and if it's eccentric or concentric contraction. Even if you're unprepared for your prac class, your tutor will help you. Just make sure to ask and clear up any problems you have. 3. The prac exam is worth 30%. I got HD on it. I didn't have a chance to see the models in real life and I thought I was stuffed. BUT, you can see the models on youtube. Theres heaps of videos anatomy models of the arms and legs. Also, in my prac exam, only the superficial muscles were there so I'm pretty sure if you just know the superficial muscles on the model you'll be fine. 4. The actual exam was easy. There were many questions on the skull oddly, so I would revise the skull bones and landmarks carefully. I would also revise "Synarthroses, Diarthroses and Amphiarthoses" joints as there were like 5 questions on these as well as like 5 questions on the skull. All the best!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

HSE102 is a great subject which I absolutely loved. Having 2 hour seminar classes meant all the material could be gone through in class unlike some other subjects which was very helpful. I highly recommend completing the pre seminar and prac activities as you get so much more out of the classes if you do.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015