- Charles Darwin Uni.
- Subjects
- Health
- 363 CDU Health textbooks
- 12 CDU Health tutors
- 89 CDU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at Charles Darwin Uni....
Do not bother with this subject if you get Ruth Wagstaff. You will be directed to read 240 pages of...
2 years ago
Deborah holt is one of a small handful of amazing teachers at CDU. She knows her content inside out...
2 years ago
laughably irrelevant to engineering, but still a mandatory unit. The only good thing about this unit...
3 years ago
Found this a bit pointless. I did this as it was one of two units available to me over SS, but has n...
4 years ago
Did this over summer semester. Good intro to essay writing at uni (I have had a decent break between...
4 years ago
I had to undertake this subject as it was a core unit in my course. CDU put this and one other unit...
4 years ago
The Lecturer, James was extremely helpful and accomodating.
4 years ago
Do this over SS, This unit is able to take simple common sense terms and turn them into complex conc...
5 years ago
Had to do this for my Midwifery degree and it was so pointless. Only the first 2-3 weeks content was...
5 years ago
bad lecturer. would not recommend this unit. the lecturer is known for being trigger happy for faili...
6 years ago
For a common unit it is very very hard and complex and seems like a second year unit not a first yea...
6 years ago
Pointless unit. Waste of time.
7 years ago
Good to do over summer semester. Very boring and pointless if you already are very comfortable essa...
7 years ago
I recommend doing this over summer semester. But it's also a good unit to start with if you're not c...
7 years ago
Not really sure what's the purpose of this unit. Feels like a waste of time and money. I recommend d...
7 years ago
Dr Deborah Holt is a first class scientist, an experienced microbiologist, and a well prepared teach...
7 years ago
Great subject.
8 years ago
Very helpful, practical unit
8 years ago
Good unit. The other body systems for 231.
8 years ago
Interesting content, well delivered. Large discrepancy between the markers
8 years ago
Great to finally do some actual nursing
8 years ago
Great unit, fabulous lecturer!
8 years ago
A deeper exploration into the pathophysiology, microbiology and pharmacology of our body. Loved this...
9 years ago
The 'part b' of SBI171, another great unit which covers the other systems of the body. Again, its a...
9 years ago
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