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This is a succinct set of summary notes for the entire course. These notes are crucial for the critical reflection assessment and group project, which I achieved a 90%. I have included all key definitions and relevant case studies across the content. Weekly topics: - Introduction to the Unit: Knowing the students and their disciplines - Disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity Where do I come from? - Legitimation code theory - applying LCT to case study research - Building interdisciplinary skills: Collaboration and team dynamics - Complex Problems and Researching from Diverse Perspectives - What does the collaboration project look like?; Interdisciplinary integration and methodological aspects - Case Studies - Situated knowledge and the location of 'expertise' - Cultural competence, deep listening and interdisciplinary collaboration - Effective and creative communication


Semester 2, 2021

15 pages

6,243 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

September 2021