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These notes are without a doubt the best notes you will ever find! They show a detailed 'step-by-step' process on how to answer trust exam questions. Hundreds of hours went into preparing these notes and I don't think you would be able to find better. I completed the subject in Semester 2 2017 and obtained a score of 76. The topics covered in these 'Trusts Notes' are: - Creation of Trusts (including certainty of intention, subject matter and object, constitution, formalities) - Quistclose trusts and Charitable purpose trusts - Trustee's Duties - Trustee's defense and limitations on liability - Rights of a Trustee - Rights of Beneficiaries - Remedies for Breach of Trust


Semester 2, 2017

70 pages

45,000 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

December 2012