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These notes are in the form of a table covering all the drugs, drug classes, and knowledge necessary for the mid-session and end-of-session exams in VSC324. They cover all learning objectives in VSC324 including: - be able to describe the major pharmaceutical classes and various routes of administration of drugs - be able to decribe the principles of pharmocokinetics, bioavailability, drug metabolism and half life. - be able to explain the principles of therapeutic intervention, allometric scaling, determination of drug dose rates and drug interactions - be able to outline principles of analgesia, anaesthesia, fluid therapy and surgery. - be able to describe the principles of radiography and radiology and other diagnostic imaging modalities. - be able to confidently integrate knowledge of physiology and pathobiology to construct health management and treatment modalities - be able to describe and perform common diagnostic procedures required to diagnose and manage disease in animals. - be able to discriminate and perform appropriate diagnostic imaging modalities for specific conditions. - be able to select appropriate sedation and anaesthetic agents for routine use in healthy animals Topics covered include: - Drug nomenclature, dose-formulations, routes of administration - Pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, absorption and excretion - Drug partitioning in body tissues, metabolic drug interactions and key species differences - The role of anaesthesia and analgesia in veterinary medicine and surgery - Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Toxicology - Pathophysiology - Case management - Clinical examination and diagnostic reasoning - Communication - Companion and Large Animal Medicine - Vaccination and Preventative Medicine


Semester 2, 2020

37 pages

10,783 words



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CSU, Wagga Wagga

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December 2016