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These notes are a comprehensive scaffold of the law of torts subject, which were used to achieve a high distinction. The torts exam is a restricted book exam and you are only allowed 2 double sided pages of notes. These notes are therefore a comprehensive summary of all relevant topics, condensed into 4 pages. The notes cover the following areas: 1. Negligence a. Duty of care i. Established duty situations ii. Established duty areas iii. Novel duty situations iv. Pure mental harm v. Pure economic loss vi. Vicarious liability vii. Non-delegable duties viii. Atypical plaintiffs b. Standard of care i. Legal standard of care ii. Negligence calculus iii. Reasonable person test c. Statutory authorities d. Causation i. Factual causation ii. Scope of liability e. Defences i. Contributory negligence ii. Intoxication iii. Voluntary assumption of risk iv. Obvious risk v. Inherent risk vi. Recreational activity vii. Dangerous recreational activity viii. Serious criminal activity 2. Intentional torts a. Actions involving people i. Assault ii. Battery iii. False imprisonment b. Actions on the case i. Wilful infliction of nervous shock ii. Wilful infliction of physical harm c. Actions involving land i. Trespass to land d. Actions involving goods i. Trespass to goods ii. Conversion iii. Detinue e. Defences i. Self defence ii. Consent iii. Necessity iv. Other defences 3. Essay topics


Semester 1, 2019

4 pages

8,023 words



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