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High H1 exam notes for Economic Development. Includes mathematical work (formulas, proofs, examples of solving problems), summarised theories, and explanations of readings. Topic 1: Economic Development Topics 2 – 3: Social Welfare - Framework and conditions - Examples Topics 4 – 6: Roots of Economic Development Topics 7 – 8: Institutions - ENGERMAN & SOKOLOFF (2000) - ACEMOGLU, JOHNSON & ROBINSON (2001) - SWEE & PANZA (2016) Topics 7 – 8: Institutions - Types of institutions and pillars of prosperity - Pillars of Prosperity (BESLEY & PERSSON, 2001) - Audits in Brazil (FERRAZ & FINAN, 2008) - Monitoring in Indonesia (OLKEN, 2007) Topics 9 – 11: Audits, Monitoring


Semester 2, 2020

15 pages

3,153 words


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