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The notes cover all the basic SQL skills covered in the ISYS2120. From the very basic 'SELECT', 'FROM' statement to integrity constraint operations. For the other parts that are not covered here, I reckon the lecture slides is good enough to review. The main resource of this notes is the lecture slides and what lecturer covered during the lecture throughout the semester. Also, there is some personal understanding and examples to explain each query well. In total, it covers 5 weeks lectures that mainly show how to do SQL programming from lecture 1, 2, 4, 5, 7. List of topics: 1. Intro. 2. SQL and Conceptual Data Design. 3. Relational Algebra - SQL Nested Subqueries 4. Enhanced ER, Grouping, Division. 5. Database Security and Integrity. Good luck for your example!


Semester 2, 2018

15 pages

2,766 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

June 2018

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