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This set of notes (Part 1) comprises Lectures 1-16 while the remaining lecture notes are available in Part 2 due to size constraints on this site. Each lecture note is 2-4 pages long yet contains all essential information from the lecture slides + detailed explanation stressed by lecturers. Relevant diagrams were also included. These notes were consistently edited to be clear & concise for the MST and final exam. I solely revised these notes during swotvac and managed to get H1 (91%) for this subject ☺️ Topic List: L1: Pathology L2: Stress & Injury L3: Reversible & Irreversible Injury L4: Cell Death L5: Haemopoiesis L6: Acute Inflammation I L7: Acute Inflammation II L8: Acute Inflammation III L9: Chronic Inflammation L10: Tissue Repair L11: Blood Vessels L12: Atherosclerosis L13: *Revision Lecture* (not included in this set of notes) L14: Blood, Bleeding, Clotting L15: Thrombosis L16: Embolism & Infarction


Semester 2, 2018

40 pages

11,130 words



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