Accounting: Information for Business Decisions - Billie Cunningham

Accounting: Information for Business Decisions

By: Billie Cunningham, Loren A. Nikolai, John Bazley

Hardcover | 1 April 2003 | Edition Number 2

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This text, written by an experienced author team, is designed to help students understand how to use both managerial and financial accounting information to make decisions. Class-tested for three years across the United States, its student-friendly approach has already earned it rave reviews. The text provides an introduction to business in Chapter 1 and is the only introductory accounting book to have an entire chapter (Chapter 2) devoted to creative and critical thinking. A non-technical approach makes learning accounting accessible for majors and non-majors, focuses students on using accounting information for decision making, and conforms with AECC guidelines for teaching accounting. A full-chapter length appendix on the accounting cycle (debits/credits) allows instructors to implement this portion of the course anywhere they desire.

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