Human Physiology - Stuart Ira Fox

Human Physiology

By: Stuart Ira Fox

Paperback | 3 October 2010 | Edition Number 12

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This is the number 1 selling text with great explanations and just enough anatomy! Clear explanations and a solid learning framework have been market tested and refined. Fox helps students master the fundamentals by providing appropriate anatomical detail. "Human Physiology, Twelfth Edition", is intended for the one-semester Human Physiology course often taken by allied health and biology students. The beginning chapters introduce basic chemical and biological concepts to provide students with the framework they need to comprehend physiological principles. The chapters that follow promote conceptual understanding rather than rote memorization of facts. Health applications are included throughout the book to heighten interest, deepen understanding of physiological concepts, and help students relate the material to their individual career goals. Every effort has been made to help students integrate related concepts and understand the relationships between anatomical structures and their functions.

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