Interdisciplinary Instruction for All Learners K-8 : A Practical Guide - Karlyn E. Wood

Interdisciplinary Instruction for All Learners K-8

A Practical Guide

By: Karlyn E. Wood

Paperback | 1 July 2009 | Edition Number 4

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Every K-8 teacher should have a copy of ""Interdisciplinary Instruction" for All Learners K-8 "on their desk. This brief practical guide provides classroom teachers with a step-by-step guide to planning, designing, creating, and implementing interdisciplinary instruction for all learners. Now following the backward design process, the text also provides teachers with outlines for planning interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary units. The author uses lesson plans that are familiar to elementary and middle school teachers and all of the lesson plans follow five specific planning protocols. Each protocol is then explained in a step-by-step manner and teachers are given numerous opportunities to practice creating their own lesson plans. By the end of the book, teachers will have experienced the entire process involved in planning for and implementing the interdisciplinary method in the classroom.

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