Strategic Marketing : MCGRAW HILL/IRWIN SERIES IN MARKETING - David W. Cravens

Strategic Marketing

By: David W. Cravens, Nigel Piercy

Hardcover | 14 February 2008 | Edition Number 9

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Strategic Marketing 9/e by Cravens and Piercy is a text and casebook that discusses the concepts and processes for gaining the competitive advantage in the marketplace. The book is designed around the marketing strategy process with a clear emphasis on analysis, planning, and implementation. This new edition uses a decision-making process to examine the key concepts and issues involved in analyzing and selecting strategies. Marketing strategy is considered from a total business perspective as instructors want to examine marketing strategy beyond the traditional emphasis on marketing functions. The length and design of the book offer flexibility in the use of the text material and cases. New features and updated cases have made this text the most relevant text in the market today.

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