Abnormal Psychology - Gerald C. Davison

Abnormal Psychology

By: Gerald C. Davison, John M. Neale, Ann M. Kring

Hardcover | 1 January 2003 | Edition Number 9

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Now in its Ninth Edition, Abnormal Psychology gives students the opportunity to explore the latest theories and research in our ever-changing search for answers to the complex questions of psychopathology. The authors invite students to search for clues, follow-up on hunches, evaluate evidence, and participate in a process of discovery as they sift through the evidence on the origins of psychopathology and the effectiveness of specific interventions. In the new edition, Davison and Neale welcome new coauthor Ann Kring (University of California, Berkeley), who brings her interest and expertise in emotion and psychopathology, as well as an emphasis on gender, ethnicity, and culture. In addition, new pedagogy and a more open layout make the book more accessible to all students.

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