International Economics - Robert Christopher Feenstra

International Economics

By: Robert Christopher Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor

Hardcover | 23 May 2014 | Edition Number 3

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Combining classic international economics with straight-from-the- headlines immediacy, Feenstra and Taylor's text seamlessly integrates the subject's established core content with topic areas and ideas that have emerged from recent empirical studies. This multi-media pack contains the print textbook and LaunchPad access for an additional GBP5 per student.

LaunchPad is an interactive online resource that helps students achieve better results. LaunchPad combines an interactive e-book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve, our adaptive quizzing resource, to engage your students and develop their understanding.

Unique LaunchPad features included in International Economics:
* Pre-built Units for each chapter, curated by experienced educators, with media for that chapter organized and ready to assign or customize to suit your course.
* Intuitive and useful analytics, with a Gradebook that lets you see how your class is doing individually and as a whole.
* A streamlined and intuitive interface that lets you build an entire course in minutes.

LearningCurve in Launchpad

In a game-like format, LearningCurve adaptive and formative quizzing provides an effective way to get students involved in the coursework. It offers:
* A unique learning path for each student, with quizzes shaped by each individual's correct and incorrect answers.
* A Personalized Study Plan, to guide students' preparation for class and for exams.
* Feedback for each question with live links to relevant e-book pages, guiding students to the reading they need to do to improve their areas of weakness.

For more information on LaunchPad including how to access our support centre, and watch our video tutorials, please visit here.

To request a demo click here.

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