Australian Taxation Law Cases 2010 - Richard Krever

Australian Taxation Law Cases 2010

By: Richard Krever

Paperback | 1 January 2010

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The 2010 edition of this feature-packed resource includes key new cases and revisions of the commentary. It explains how cases would be decided today and takes into account important recent changes to the law. The text synthesises hundreds of cases into a single volume and has several features not found in other works. It assists students to: Find cases organised by topic and see how related cases fit together; Grasp the key features and outcomes of each case; See how older cases can be cited and used in arguments under today's law; See how today's statutes apply to the facts raised by older cases; and Understand how overseas decisions may be cited to support interpretation of Australian legislation. AUSTRALIAN TAXATION LAW CASES 2010 enhances tax teaching and provides a valuable learning tool for all tax students.

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