NSW Criminal Law Handbook 2017

NSW Criminal Law Handbook 2017

Paperback | 28 April 2017

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An authoritative and accessible statement of the criminal law in NSW. New South Wales Criminal Law Handbook 2017 provides affordable, easy-to-use coverage of the criminal law in NSW. This new edition is current to 20 March 2017. It reproduces the major criminal legislation in whole, without separating its contents into topics, and this advantage, combined with the use of legislation shading, makes it easy to use in all contexts. The contents of this book are extracted from the Criminal Law NSW subscription service, with the clarity of expression that is the hallmark of the authors, Martin Blackmore and Greg Hosking. The intuitive structure of their content will appeal equally to practitioners and judges who value ease of use in Court, as well as law students coming to grips with the core elements of the criminal law. Respectively current and retired judges of the District Court of New South Wales, Blackmore and Hosking were previously deputy directors of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. They draw on this extensive and unique experience to provide authoritative commentary and annotations - particularly in relation to the Crimes Act. New South Wales Criminal Law Handbook 2017 is an essential reference tool for private and government practitioners, judges, law enforcement officers, students and anyone requiring an accessible yet authoritative statement of the criminal law in New South Wales.

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