Computer Networking for LANS to WANS : Hardware, Software and Security - James Antonakos

Computer Networking for LANS to WANS

Hardware, Software and Security

By: James Antonakos, Kenneth Mansfield, Jr.

Book with Other Items | 3 June 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Designed for the beginner yet useful for the expert, COMPUTER NETWORKING FROM LANS TO WANS: HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND SECURITY covers all aspects of computer networking. Hardware details such as the operation of Ethernet, network media and devices, including hubs, switches, routers, and physical topology, are provided, with many design and troubleshooting examples. Software details such as the operation of the TCP/IP protocols, routing protocols, and network operating systems are examined. Applications, such as FTP, Telnet, and email are explained in detail, as are the requirements of writing client/server applications, with several working examples provided. Techniques for applying security to networking and computing activities are covered, including network management, secure communication methods such as SSH, TLS, and VPN, and the fundamentals of forensics. A strong pedagogical approach introduces each new topic with practical, real-world examples, and step-by-step Hands-On Projects. A companion CD includes videos and numerous files that allow the reader to perform important hands-on networking, security, and forensic activities.
Industry Reviews
"Excellent text, I found it informative and interesting based on my own computer networking experience. It would be appropriate for an undergraduate course or for a person interested in knowing more about the subject of computer networking. A student should have a good knowledge of using a computer and the Internet, and should also have had some formal programming experience such as C or Java to get value from the programming examples. I agree with the authors that it s important to have some understanding of the Windows 95/98 as these operating systems are still out there to be debugged and fixed."
"This book is best suited for the introductory course on computer networking. A Computer Technology student in either a Community College or University setting who has an intermediate knowledge of computers would best utilize this book. A student would need a good grounding of basic computer knowledge as a pre-requisite for using this book. I would personally use this book for my introductory course on computer networking as well as some chapters for a computer security course, and keep it around as a good reference book."

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