Our Social World : Introduction to Sociology - Jeanne H. Ballantine

Our Social World

Introduction to Sociology

By: Jeanne H. Ballantine, Keith A. Roberts, Kathleen O. Korgen

Paperback | 21 January 2015 | Edition Number 5

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In the new Fifth Edition of Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology, three award winning authors and teachers of sociology set out to inspire students to develop their sociological imaginations. Readers are encouraged to see the impact of larger social structures and global trends on their personal lives and to confront sociological issues on a day-to-day basis. In each chapter, authors Jeanne H. Ballantine, Keith A. Roberts, and new co-author Kathleen Odell Korgen, relate everything back to the social world model to promote “deep learning” of a fundamental sociological concept: the micro-to-macro organization of society. Above all else, adopters of this unique, easy to read, and innovative text use it because it helps their students to learn about sociology and to use sociological tools throughout the course and beyond. Their students are able to articulate what sociology is and to explain the macro to micro links in the social system. Can you identify any other introductory text which has a coherent thesis that runs throughout the text?

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