Culture and Psychology - Professor of Psychology and Director of the Culture and Emotion Research Laboratory David Matsumoto

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This market-leading text puts psychological theories and concepts into a cross-cultural framework that invites you to discover, question, and ultimately, understand the relationship between culture and psychology. Along the way, you'll explore topics like changing gender roles, sexuality, self-esteem, aggression, personality, and mate selection. It all adds up to a text that will leave you with a deeper, more complex understanding of the nature of culture, its relationship to psychological processes, and the differences and similarities between cultures in our increasingly globalized world.
Industry Reviews
Ganie DeHart, SUNY Genesco: "I found it to be the best of the various cross-cultural textbooks I've used over the years. I have been teaching this course for 16 years, and I've probably used every undergraduate cross-cultural textbook that has come out during that time."

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