Business Environment : Managing in a Strategic Context - John Kew

Business Environment

Managing in a Strategic Context

By: John Kew, John Stredwick

Paperback | 27 May 2008 | Edition Number 2

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Business Environment is ideal for students taking modules in the Business Environment or Business Context areas of an HR or business degree programme. It is written to cater for both undergraduate and postgraduate level modules as well as for students taking the new CIPD Leadership and Management module 'Managing in a Strategic Business Context'.

Presented and written in an easy-to-use format, for students with little or no prior knowledge of the subject area, the text enables students to gain key knowledge of the environmental influences - economic, social and legal - that are essential in developing an understanding of business strategy at every level. This fully revised and updated second edition includes:

  • New material including more on organisational environments and strategy
  • More international content addressing the needs of migrant workers etc
  • A case study led approach with more real-world and international cases
  • Full coverage of the PDS standards on the Managing in a Strategic Context module
  • Lots of new research from the CIPD and elsewhere

Packed with features such as chapter objectives, student and seminar activities, self assessment questions, case studies, key learning points and further reading, this text is guaranteed to enhance student?s learning experiences. There is also access to a comprehensive tutor and student support site.

About the Author

John Kew is an educational consultant and has written flexible learning material for the CIPD's Professional Development Scheme.

John Stredwick is Senior Lecturer at University of Bedfordshire and a well renowned author. He is Visiting Professor at Webster University (US) based in Regents Park, UK.
Industry Reviews
"This second edition does not read like a typically dry textbook but is informative, engaging, and relevant to the work environment, incorporating current events and contemporary business issues in a meaningful way, and relating these to theoretical models which are thoroughly but not heavily presented" * Stephen Millard, Senior Teaching Fellow, School of Business and Management, Buckinghamshire New University, UK *
"The text is written in a lively style which will keep the interest of undergraduates. The context is excellent and the activities, which are generally well designed, help to consolidate ideas that have been raised in the chapters. I would not hesitate to recommend the text to students (on 1st edition)" * Cheryl Lim, Visiting Lecturer at London Metropolitan University, UK *
"The text demonstrates a balance between theory and practice lacking in many of the texts that are currently available in the marketplace. The examples, activities and case studies used by the authors are wide-ranging. For students studying the Business Environment, this text has a sound structure and meets the theoretical requirements. Additionally, the practical nature of the exercises/examples meet the needs of modules - particularly in terms of developing knowledge, understanding and core skills in students (on 1st edition)" * Dr David Lai, Lecturer in International Business and Business Policy, Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK *

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