• 1,578 WSU subjects
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A very good place to start for an Arts core- this covers very important groundwork which frames Aust...

9 years ago


Enjoyable core unit for the Bachelors. This unit covers a reasonable amount of engaging literature a...

9 years ago


Very well put together unit for Summer School at Parramatta. Mode of delivery as a 3 hour lectorial...

9 years ago


I did not like this unit at all. Found the lectures very boring however the lecturer does know his s...

9 years ago


Very intense unit done over two days from 9 - 5 on 3 weekends sessions. However, there is a long gap...

9 years ago


This unit is boring.

9 years ago


pay attention to the lecture they are actually quite useful although short.

9 years ago


This is very practical and down to earth subject. I found it was especially designed for young peop...

9 years ago


Could have been interesting if anything made sense... Different lecturers introduced different conce...

9 years ago


Basically the anatomy of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and their forms and functions....

9 years ago


Plants are interesting but teachers teach it wrong. They over complicate their explanations and bore...

9 years ago


Involves analysing animal and plant populations and distributions, and looking at limits to abundanc...

9 years ago


Lots of field work on observing animals in natural habitats (learning about wildlife tracking method...

9 years ago


Subject involves animals used for mass production, eg- meat industry, dairy, etc. Looks into domesti...

9 years ago


Lots of lab work and fun practicals. Involves pathogens, diseases, etc, in humans and animals. Overa...

9 years ago


Have to pass this subject to do level 3 Field Project for Natural Science degrees. Prof Dingsdag was...

9 years ago


Hated the subject. It was way too hard, average grade was 51% ish. Lots of people failed. Teacher fa...

9 years ago


Taught by Prof Pauline Ross. She is an absolutely phenomenal teacher! This subject involved many fie...

9 years ago


Lots of practical and lab work with dead animal dissections. Involves animal anatomy, artificial ins...

9 years ago


Taught by Prof Pauline Ross. She is an absolutely phenomenal teacher! Class involved critically exam...

9 years ago


Fun subject, lots of hands on with livestock and farm animals. A good beginners subject to animal ca...

9 years ago


A lot on digestion, carbs, fats, proteins, vitamin, minerals, nutrients and energy. Involved lab wor...

9 years ago


Can be quite full on. Many diseases to learn about. Companion animals, livestock, and wildlife. Invo...

9 years ago


Enjoyable. Involves sustainability sciences, population biology, pollution, water resources, fisheri...

9 years ago

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