Introduction To Logical Thinking
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View all 101189 notesIntro to Logical Thinking Complete Notes
Hi All! I acheived a High Distinction in this unit and did really strongly. I was also on the Dea...
64 pages, 17495 words
Introduction to Logical Thinking (101189) WSU Study Notes
Hi, These are my study notes for Introduction to Logical Thinking (101189) from the lectures and...
39 pages, 18006 words
Intro to Logical thinking- Lecture Summary Notes
Hi guys! This is a tough subject. Note I received 90% for this subject. I have plenty of tables wit...
36 pages, 9208 words
Introduction To Logical Thinking Lecture Summary
Although lecture notes were given, I further refined these notes and removed all the extra info....
29 pages, 16319 words
Intro. to logical thinking exam notes
Ok, this unit is HARD! but i did pretty well in my exam with these notes. Give them a try!
31 pages, 11897 words
Introduction to Logical Thinking Lecture Summaries
These notes include detailed summaries of the lectures. Please note that I achieved 91% in this subj...
36 pages, 13439 words
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** Your personalised Tutor at your Service ** I'm a PhD student who absolutely loves teaching and...
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I have completed a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours Class 1) at WSU. I have achieved high distincti...
Very very content heavy. More of a philosophy subject - that being said it is still super useful if your doing psych. Really recommend it as one of the first ones you do. Unit coordinator is very sweet and helpful as well. I loved this one a lot, I would do it again if I could. Probably the most rewarding and interesting ones.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
Enjoyed this subject. Was easy to get a HD if you show up to all your tuts and do the worksheets on time. Was pretty fun and interesting but a little more work than I imagined.