The Musculoskeletal System and Movement
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View all SSEH1101 notesSSEH1101 Notes
Notes from each of the lectures. Topics Include: Articulations and Movements Biomechanics of Bon...
31 pages, 7947 words
SSEH1101 Notes
Notes from each of the 12 Pre-Labs, topics include: Bones of the Skull Vertebral Column Ribs an...
32 pages, 4646 words
SSEH1101 - Musculoskeletal System & Movement
All lecture notes from SSEH1101, Sem 1 2013.
62 pages, 1000 words
SSEH1101 notes - Muscle actions, origins and insertions
Muscle names, actions, origins, insertions and locations. Easy to use, especially for lab exam. Imag...
11 pages, 1418 words
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Good unit if you're looking for a small workload during the semester, but not an easy HD if you dont like memorisation and aren't willing to put in effort. The unit consists of a lab exam at end of semester, and a final theory exam consisting of 100MCQ. 1-2 lectures a week ranging from 10-30 minutes, so very light on in terms of lecture watching. Lab every week (surface anatomy or gross anatomy-cadavers) with pre-labs to complete, these probably take up the most time and the prelabs need to be done to get the most out of the labs. Lots of memorisation needed of bones, bone features, muscles, muscle origins, insertions and actions. While all the information seems daunting to memorise, it is definitely possible. Go onto quizlet and type in SSEH1101 and you'll find hundreds of already made quizlets to help you easily memorise all the muscles and actions and bones. I didn't find the lab exam too hard but at times wished they gave you more time to inspect the muscle before moving on to the next specimen. You WILL NEED to study well for this however in order to not be completely lost. Lectures were pretty simple and also not too hard to memorise for final MCQ exam, again quizlet has sets people have already made specifically for this. I completed this as a third year looking for an easyish unit, and while it was daunting at times, effort really paid off. Great anatomy revision for science/sports science majors.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
PROS. interesting unit. kinda fun. well managed. Lecturers and stuff were alright. get to look at cadavers to help understand things better (given no COVID) CONS. a LOT of memorisation of muscle origins, insertions, actions and bones and strengthening/stretching exercises. Basically means u end up doing like 1.5-2 units because labs and lectures are almost unrelated (because prelabs teach the pure memorisation part and the lectures teach the other stuff). Theory exam ended up having a TON of prelab work in it (like muscles origins, insertions and strengthening & stretching) OVERALL: unit is good if you are good at memorising. i didn't like it because there is a lot to memorise (& i consider myself to be alright at memorising but still found it hard). DO NOT do this thinking easy HD.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
The work load for this unit is overwhelming and I believe it to be unrealistic during COVID-19. With the exams having a combined weight of 88%, it makes it a lot harder to pass during self isolation. The “theory exam” had more questions based on lab participation rather than the theory covered in lectures. Although interesting, content within this unit is very hard to remember, especially in an environment where I am teaching myself.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
This unit is very fun and interesting and I took this unit as a broadening. It is quite content heavy as you have to memorise a lot of things (name of bones, muscles, origins, insertions, movement, and features). for the prac exam, you have 100 muscles/ bones u need to identify and you have 1 minute on each item. so make sure you study hard for this as it can be stressful. the exam is 100% multiple choice and is based on all the stuff you learn in the lecture slides, so as long as you study you will be fine :D
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Very interesting unit, but the content learnt in anatomy labs is quite difficult (memorising and identifying: the features of bones; muscle names, the bone features that serve as their origin and insertions, and actions; and a few ligaments and nerves). There are online prelab videos to watch that teach you the lab content, but simply watching them is not enough to recognise them in the labs. Plus there is the stress that comes from having 70% of your mark decided by exams (50% from a MCQ end of sem exam; 20% from a gross anatomy exam). I asked about borrowing a 1/2 skeleton to learn from, but they no longer do that unfortunately. Fair warning: you will have several labs (and the 20% lab exam) on gross anatomy, looking at cadavers. You don't do any dissecting though.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
While there is a lot of lab content to learn the lab exam is fine provided you studied properly. The theory exam was awful as they had barely any questions on anatomical processes/development discussed in lectures and instead focused on specific muscle attachments or movements that were meant to be the focus of the lab exam
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Great subject if you're not too queasy due to the amount of lab work. Heaps of memorisation to do but super applicable throughout the rest of your course. Lectures are engaging and be sure to get a skeleton on loan to practice.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Very interesting unit with lots of hands on work which is good for the practical exam. It really makes you conscious of how exactly you move. I loved this unit!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Lone a half skeleton from Anatomy & Physiology to help you learn the features of bones. Be prepared for the labs. Study Study Study!