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I took this unit against my will after failing the maths methods one. Lectures were drier than the Sahara desert. There was some random assignment on grass?? Had no idea what I was doing or why. Only passed because I locked tf in at the end out of pure fear of having to retake it. The only redeeming quality of this unit was the lack of attention paid to students by the tutors, which allowed me to suffer in silence without the humiliation of having to admit I’d rather drink bleach than be there. If you value your sanity, avoid this unit at all costs.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Worst first year unit I did hands down. Honestly just a really poorly run unit as a bridging unit for maths methods. The labs were incredibly unhelpful and hard to follow. Whilst the demonstrators clearly tried, there weren't enough of them for the number of students in each lab. The maths lectures were hard to hear & were really boring, seemingly no effort was made to make them at all engaging. The assignment guides were full of errors such as marking guides provided being for completely different questions that weren't even in the assignment. The resources provided were either outdated or just free online that you could easily find without paying thousands of dollars for this unit. Khan academy pulled me through the maths part of this unit, and forget about the python. There were two redeeming factors in this unit. The first was the practice quizzes & actual quizzes were fair & reasonably well structured. And the second was the lectures on science topics were mostly interesting and were presented by experts in their field. Overall I would not recommend this as a bridging unit for high-school maths like it is presented on course outlines. If you have prior knowledge in the maths involved and python then I'm sure this unit is fine. I would suggest to the unit coordinator that there should be an increased number of labs to spread out the number of students because during labs if you were stuck at any point you'd be waiting 20-30 minutes to get assistance.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

I did this unit because I failed math1721, and it was the easiest thing I have ever done. The answers for everything are basically given to you and you just have to substitute numbers into the equations/code and it does it for you. As a biology/zoology major some of the lecture content I knew before hand which definitely helped but the concepts really aren't that hard to grasp if you haven't (my biomed major friends did just fine). You don't really need to watch or read the lectures since it is not mentioned in the reports you have to write, and when it is part of it you can literally just search the keyword and it is laid out in front of you. Same for the tests; lots of multi choice or using a formula (which you can use an online calculator for). Overall as someone who is horrendous at math and had very minimal experience with coding I still managed to get a D.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

If you don't have any coding experience please then stay far away from this unit!!!! This unit combines math, science and coding together which obviously becomes a hassle. The unit coordinator as mentioned on previous reviews is a nice bloke and is quick to to help you out if you have any concern. However I found his style of teaching along with his accent to be a bit of a problem. The guest lectures he also brings for the math part also aren't helpful and confuse me more lol. In terms of the assessments 10% is for lab work 60 % is for 3 assignments and 30% for 2 quizzes. The quizzes are fine for me at least as its just mc science and math questions. The first assignment was fine as there wasn't much coding involved. However I got my ass saved by my friend, who has experienced in coding otherwise I would've failed the last two assignments and lab work( pretty sure that tells you all you need to know).It was also nice that they marked a bit leniently otherwise I would've gotten a scrappy pass or even a fail. Also make sure you get tinula as you're lab tutor as he was a g and gave you most of the answers if he saw you trying. Thus if you don't have coding experience this isn't for you but if you do, this could be one of your best scoring units.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

It was rumored that this unit was introduced due to the high failure rate of Math Methods. There are some significant teething issues here, and there is an incredibly intense workload with little time to sufficiently aggregate all topics covered (Math, science, code, economic principles). The professors and teaching assistants were friendly, very knowledgeable and helpful (I was impressed at how readily the professors responded to emails and discussion board comments, and they would do their best to schedule one-on-one help sessions if you needed it), but it was extremely hard to stay on top of everything (especially when Calculus and Trigonometry came into play). It seemed that the professors were as exhausted as the students by the end of semester - I can't imagine how many enquiries they were constantly having to handle This genuinely has the potential to be a brilliant unit, but right now there is simply too much content crammed in. I was disappointed that I didn't have enough time to properly understand the math to the level I wanted - I just didn't have enough capacity to. It would be so much better if this was spread out over two units.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Do not take this unit if you don't have to. It is not very organised, the lectures are awful (you can't make out anything he says), and the assignments/content is so difficult, especially for an introductory code first year unit. If you want to take a unit like this but 10x better do SCIE1104. My advice is if you have to take the unit, try take a lab with Tinula in it, make friends, collaborate, and go to every one of your labs! The only good part of this unit was Tinula, the lab tutor and I know he saved so many students, thank you Tinula!!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022