Introduction to Public Health

Mary-Jane Schneider

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PUBH2204 Comprehensive Exam Notes

Perfect for exam study, includes all the content - notes are grouped into focus question sections th...

16 pages, 5408 words


$45 per hour

Biomedicine & Genetics, MMI || Anki, Exam Prep and Assignments Hello! I am a first year medic...


I think the review below summed it up very well. Quizzes are super easy and have 10 MCQs and are provided 40 minutes for. They are open book and very easy to score well on. The final was long and no practice exam was provided, we were only given a list of topics which was to me, not overly helpful. The grades for the workshops and the 28% assignments are given almost a week and a half after the final exam despite the UC clarifying multiple times that the grades will be given BEFORE the exam. The communication was awful; she never replies to any emails. If you want to ask something, you must do it during the workshops or else you never will be able to. The content was pretty boring and dry (in my opinion) and the teaching style of the UC was just blatantly reading off the slides with monotone. There is legit no point in watching the lectures because the slides have everything. While this unit was very HDable, it required a lot of work and I don’t think its reputation as an easy HD is accurate. I do recommend this unit as a moderate lvl HD but I honestly found the workshops to be dry and unnecessary and the assessments pointless. I should however mention that all components of the unit are open book which is perhaps it’s strongest selling point. While not an easy HD, it is significantly easier than other lvl2 science units and the marking has followed a very clear rubric that was given to students. If communication was better, I would have awarded 4 stars.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This unit was very content-heavy and required a fair bit of effort. The lectures were well-organised and the workshops were a great time to interact with other students, consolidate the learnings from the lectures and ask the unit coordinator for help. The workshops also required submission of 2-part worksheets of which we work through one during class and also one as an at-home part. There were also 5 or so mini quizzes scheduled for every two weeks which were pretty easy and only worth 2% each. The written assignment was split into three parts with a report, infographic and 'annotated bibliography', however the unit coordinator did a good job at explaining it. The final exam did not cover everything from the lectures (the unit coordinator gave a list of topics to revise for), but I personally found it to be very long and demanding for the 2 hours as it had a lot of questions with multiple parts creating a lot of pressure for time. It was also online, so a few of my peers also struggled with accessing it which only caused more trouble for time. Due to this, I would recommend trying to maximise your marks through the quizzes, written assignment, etc. as the exam was quite difficult. Also another major issue I had with this unit was that we had not received the majority of our marks (i.e., participation marks and assignment marks) until after our exam, which I personally found to a bit inconvenient as I didn't know my unit grade and the exam was worth a lot (50%). I would not recommend this unit as an easy HD as it requires quite a bit of effort and also is very content-heavy, but it should still be alright if you stay on top of everything and ask for help.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Agree with below although the unit coordinator is so helpful and nice, Just increase the speed of the lecture. I would highly recommend although still need to put time for assessments and quiz.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Easy HD and very lenient marker but so boring and you have to submit quite a number of things. I listened to basically no lectures still managed a HD because all the answers are on the slides so it is extremely easy but very boring because online lecture and she basically reads off slide so low-key no point in even watching lol. Take it if you want to sleep on yourself watching the lectures. Also the exam was kind of long and you literally only have 5 minute buffer time to submit it on Turnitin.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Best unit. It is content heavy but you don't need to memorise everything. Tutorials every fortnight and you have to complete the worksheet by the end of tutorial. The answers are discussed during tutorials so you just need to write it down and submit it. The assignment which was an essay and an infographic, was very easy to get HD as long as you put in some effort. The unit coordinator is very nice and she doesn't mark you on your English skills for the essay. I'm not good at essays at all but ended up with more than 90. To build the essay, she gave us an outline of questions and dot points so basically just answer those points on the essay for each paragraph. The infographic is based on your essay and is also easy to get good marks. Exam was open book on LMS. The questions are basically given during the study break so if you prepare answers for them, you can do well in exam.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Such a well explained, in depth and engaging unit. Highly highly recommend

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

This unit is super content heavy, however the below review definitely sums it up well. Its really interesting, but you arent expected to remember everything, its more about the concepts than specifics. With the exam the questions are basically given to you in study week and if you spend the time preparing answers it definitely helps with preparation for the exam - I found that I probably would have run out of time in the exam if I didnt have answers prepared so make sure you keep that in mind, however I was able to get over 90% grade in the unit without putting too much effort in, so should be an easy D or HD for most people

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

This unit was very easy and very good if you are looking for a HD or a WAM booster. The exam was open book/LMS and most information could be found in the lectures. However, you just need to make sure that you know the content so that you do not run out of time, looking for the answers in the lectures. There was also an assignment that was really easy to get 80%+ in as long as you put effort into it. Every second week, you attend a 2hr tutorial in which you complete a worksheet and a 200 word write up about a topic after the tutorial. The worksheet was really easy and all answers could be found in the lectures and the write up was also easy as long as you find good sources and put in a bit of effort.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

i went in thinking it would be easy, based on fb reviews. The problem was I got complacent and left the exam revision to the last minute, and suffered a low HD when I could've gotten high 90s. Weekly quizzes are so easy you dont need to really read the lectures. Make sure you get a good group for the 3 graded prezis- mine was bad and lost quite a few marks due to no intro/conclusion and lack of evidence/real life examples. Essay- you can get almost full marks if you really think broadly and outside the box, and consider all aspects of the question. Exam- they literally gave the questions at the start of sem, all you need to do is write up solid answers with a lot of evidence/examples, and memorize them to the extreme. A classmate got full marks for the exam. So start researching the exam answers early because its already handed to you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017