Your Money Milestones

Moshe A. Milevsky

For sale by Phuong Linh Nguyen for $15

FINA1109 Summary Notes (Whole Semester)

- summarised lecture outcomes for all 10 content weeks in the semester - handy to have during lectu...

29 pages, 8224 words

FINA1109 Managing Your Personal Finance Notes

Full semester notes. Topics: - Financial Planning Process - Assessing Your Financial Position...

20 pages, 6082 words

FINA1109 - Semester Notes

Comprehensive guide to the entire semester. Very useful for exam study. Topics include: The Pers...

13 pages, 2742 words

FINA1109 Study Notes

Study Notes for Managing Your Personal Finance, FINA1109.

11 pages, 2652 words


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$25 per hour

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$65 per hour

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Really great unit, possibly the best unit I've done so far. It is basically a finance unit for people who don't know much about finance. You learn the basics of finance and look specifically at situations where the average person needs to use fundamental financial concepts in their life- like super, home loans, having kids, etc. The lectures were long but interesting. The tutorials were pretty good too. Very achievable to get an HD in this unit if you listen to the lectures and go to tutes.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

It's a fairly easy HD, I managed to get a final score of 90 despite not doing half of the lecture quizzes and having not watched 6 of the 2-hour lectures up until 3 days before the final exam. The textbook is not needed, don't worry about reading it :)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Not an easy HD but useful information to learn for the future. The assignment requires good group members or the assignment is near impossible. It is also helpful to know financial information beforehand as it is really helps like knowing stocks, bonds, IPI, inflation calculations etc. The tutors are okay but it depends on the tutor you have. Ask questions if you need to. Honestly it is useful but boring. An achievable D (not HD).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Not an easy HD as the major assignment is marked harshly with a heavy weighting. The tutor is very supportive and the content is covered well in classes too. With effort and a good group partner, an HD is achievable.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Amazing unit with lots of practical content. Also an easy HD

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Great unit if you're interested in your personal finances for the future. Teaches the basics about stocks, bonds, interest and debt. The lecturer is very good and explains things so that everyone can understand without moving too fast. Overall a very good unit if you're interested in finance with the exam and group assignment being heavily related to everything covered in the lectures.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Fantastic all round information to help you understand your personal finance and make it work for you. Well worth it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Great unit for teaching you how to manage your personal finances, no joke, it's great. Might be a little boring sitting through the two hour lectures, but it is none-the-less very useful.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014